GMT Expertise

Jerry Timmins

, lead advisor at



, has a long track record in media management.

He brings his own expertise and draws on a comprehensive professional


to meet any challenge.

Media Policy and Regulation

GMT Media have provided consultancy services to commercial clients and governments across four continents.  It advises government Ministers on Media Policy, leads on the revision of media legislation and regulation and reviews existing schemes for supporting quality media.

GMT consulting uses Adaptive leadership techniques in a non directive way so that leaders retain control at all times and own both the process and results. GMT Media contributes to a new programme for world leaders at Cambridge University where Jerry is a Fellow on the Resilience and Sustainability Programme.

Change Management and Staff Development

GMT Media advises on change projects across all media. It has provided advisory services to 6 national and regional TV and Radio channels across Libya and to community and national stations in Rwanda. It has provided advisory services in India, Myanmar, The Philippines, USA, The West Bank, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar and many African countries. Most of the media houses GMT Media works with use two or three languages on air and have staff who are multi-lingual.

At the BBC, Jerry led a major strand of work for the BBC Director General's Change programme "

Making it Happen

". This was adopted by

Harvard University

as an example of best practice in change management. For over a decade, he commissioned annual training plans for 3,000 staff.



Project Leadership on channel and programme launches

Jerry Timmins has extensive experience


many different international programme strands and channels across radio, TV and the web. He has led on new ventures in the Caribbean, Africa, Middle East and the USA.


Jerry Timmins, lead advisor at GMT Media
Jerry Timmins, lead advisor at GMT Media
Making it happen
A better use for guns in Libya
A better use for guns in Libya